
Here in this section is where you can keep everyone informed about the ones bad & good experiences when buying and selling parts.

Moderators: BOBLOOK, AE25, pufito18

Forum rules
Section is created for warning others on the board.

By time to time although everyone seems to be honest.

They use to show up those with some weird reason trying to go away with your hard earned money.

Here you can share you're experiences but mods can use their discretion.

Please when you buy or sell something try to collect as much information from the person if its possible. To describe things like address, phone, full name and check in the feedback section( although is new) for others experiences. This will save a lot of trouble!!!
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Post by ROOSTERCOGBURN » Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:02 pm

Foxau2 / Nate

Anyone know this guy?

Been holding off on taking this public, but after sending money back in early July (!) for some parts, he has gone AWOL.

Sent many texts, emails and PM's but other than a single "sorry the delay, will ship soon" response back in mid-September, I have heard nothing.

I’ve tried to be real easy going because I’m in no particular rush for the parts and he seems he is a reputable dude from his past posts, but it’s getting a bit ridiculous.

Just want the parts or my money back...

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